Thursday, May 20, 2021

Review: The Kissing Tree

 The Kissing Tree

"Bestselling novelist Karen Witemeyer joins award-winning authors Regina Jennings, Amanda Dykes, and Nicole Deese for this Texas-sized romance novella collection. Each of the authors' unique voices is on display in stories where courting couples leave a permanent mark of their love by carving their initials into the same oak's bark.  

In Regina Jennings' Broken Limbs, Mended Fences, a small-town teacher has her credentials questioned by a traveling salesman.

In Karen Witemeyer's Inn for a Surprise, two opinionated collaborators with conflicting visions must turn a doomed business venture into a successful romantic retreat.

From Roots to Sky by Amanda Dykes follows a young WWII naval airman who heads to Texas to meet the sister of a lost compatriot.

by Nicole Deese is a modern-day romance about the groundskeeper of a historic inn who's reunited with someone from her past while she fights to save a town landmark."

Author(s): Regina Jennings, Karen Witemeyer, Amanda Dykes, Nicole Deese
Genre: Historical Romance - Contemporary Romance (crosses times)

In this Texas-sized romance novella collection, courting couples, 
decades apart, 
leave a permanent mark of their love by carving their initials into the same oak's bark. 

Y'all KNOW how I FEEL about novella collections...
If you don't let me tell you.

I was so HAPPY to review this collection! 
Two: UM, look at the synopsis.
Enough said.

Here are my thoughts on the stories inside this GORGEOUS cover!


“Broken Limbs, Mended Hearts”

I loved the “competition” theme!
I got a “Romeo - Juliet” vibe the story, without the death 😉, but I liked it!

The characters were sweet! I enjoyed their story!
As a novella it moved really fast. But we all know how much I love novellas so I wasn't mad about it.  
Overall it was a cute story to kick off this collection!!

(I really want Freda & Max to get their own story.)
4/5 stars

“Inn for a Surprise”

Awwwweeee!!! This one made my little heart so happy! 
I loved the “opposites attract” theme so much. 

Overly romantic meets “unromantic”. 
But his little touches of romance were so sweet and heartfelt. All of the swoon!! 😍😍 (Karen writes the best heroes!!!)

I loved this little novella!
5/5 stars

“From Roots to Sky”

Amanda. Amanda. Amanda.

She took 100 pages and made me feel so many things!!
This story was magical in its own right and I loved it so much!

We had another “opposites attract” thing going on and it made me HAPPY!

They were both a little awkward, but so perfect for each other.

SO GOOD!! 😍😍
5/5 stars


Awe! Once I got to the “heartwood” of this story, it grabbed me and held me tight.
Such a lovely story of forgiveness and healing.

I loved Abby & Griffin’s history and their connection. It was heartfelt!

It was the perfect ending to this perfect collection!
4/5 stars


This is probably one of my favorite “generational” novella collections ever. Such a great addition to my shelf. I LOVED IT!! 
I rated the collection overall a 4.5/5 stars

*I received this book from the publisher**All opinions are my own*

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