Thursday, February 7, 2019

Guest Post + Giveaway: Livy Jarmusch

If you are on Instagram you have probably seen this beautiful soul before. Livy Jarmusch is Christian author who's love for God shines in literally everything she does. She has a heart for people and you can see it!

She recently put out a WONDERFUL program for anyone wanting to start a blog, but a lot scared of stepping out.
I even have a code that will give you a quite a discount. (But more on that later on)

In light of the release there is a blog tour going on and today Livy is going to be stopping by to talk about the power of vision.
So without further ado the brilliant Livy!


Books. The one thing you can never have too many of.

As readers, we might have different preferences in style, genre, setting, and subject matter, but at the end of the day we can all agree on one thing: books are powerful. If crafted well, they have the ability to transport our hearts to another place in time, sweeping us away in an unforgettable adventure!  

My name is Livy Lynn, and I’m the author of The Coronation, a modern YA Christian fiction book which centers around a modern-day monarchy in the whimsical, Europain nation of Tarsurella. The Coronation was the first novel I ever completed. Before that, I suffered from a terrible plague: the start-a-million-stories-but-never-finish-them, plague.

Yup, it happens to the best of us, and if you’ve ever dabbled in writing fiction, I’m sure you can relate!     

When a story idea strikes like lightning the inspiration kicks in all at once and we HAVE to write. But then, after a few days, weeks, or months, the excitement wears off, and we find ourselves staring at a blank screen.

And then, another BETTER idea pops in, so we jump ship, swim through the ocean of endless ideas, and begin building something new! Until the next idea comes along. And then the next, and the next…

Does this pattern sound familiar? Do you find yourself doing this in your own life? As humans, sometimes we struggle with FINISHING projects and being faithful to complete what we said we were going to do.

The same thing happens in the blogging world. We launch out on a new endeavor, aglow with excitement, until we write several posts and realize that nobody is reading them. Then, we give up, or get distracted with our next, new, sparkly idea.

As Christians, this isn’t a very productive way to live life. God has called us to touch this world for His glory and we’re not doing a very good job representing Him if we struggle to finish our goals and assignments.  

The Power of Vision: Know Where You’re Going!

In the midst of all our busy activity: writing books, publishing blogs, launching businesses, juggling college coursework - do we stop and ask ourselves why? Why am I doing what I’m doing? What is my motivation for this and why is it important to me?

Sometimes I find myself SO wrapped up in the business of my own life, I don’t even remember why I’m pushing myself so hard in the first place!  
When we read God’s Word, we see the importance of having a vision, knowing our purpose, and knowing why we’re going to do something, before we set off excitedly toward our newest idea.

Jesus told His disciples, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down to estimate and see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish it.’” (Luke 14:28-30)

Faithfulness is a character quality we are to grow in as we deepen our relationship with the Lord. At the end of our lives we all want to hear the Father say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

I believe it’s important to do as Jesus said and count the cost before we start something new. To truly slow down and take stock of ourselves, asking questions like:

Why am I passionate about this?

Where did this idea come from?

Is this something the Lord is leading me into in this season of my life?

What might I have to sacrifice in order to see this happen?

Once we know our WHY and our purpose for doing something, we’re able to stick with it for the long run!

I work with a lot of bloggers, coaching them and helping them reach their blogging dreams, and before they launch into their newest project, I challenge them to discover their why.

To slow down, pray about it, open their journals, and ask the Lord to speak to their hearts.

Habakkuk 2:2 says: “Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, that a harold may run with it.”

Once you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, write it down, post it on your wall, and daily remind yourself of your purpose, you’re SO much less likely to give up! Having a strong why can pull you through the hardest of days, even when tackling massive projects like blogging or writing a book!

Bonus: Giveaway for Bloggers!

Are you a new or aspiring blogger? Or maybe you’ve been blogging for years and the idea of learning how to earn income on your website sounds really appealing. But where do you even begin? I’m SO excited to share my 20 Day video series for bloggers! It’s called Fire Starter: Launching a Blog that Blazes! This interactive course teaches bloggers (both old and new) how to create their dream blog or website, monetize their site, AND give them all the tools, encouragement, and support needed to be truly successful on their journey! The Fire Starter course is listed at $150.00 but we have a special code for you to get $100 off! Simply add the coupon code: forthelove (no spaces, no caps) when checking out, and you’re all set!

To celebrate the release of Fire Starter, I’m also giving away a free Skype Session to talk about blogging goals, writing advice, and how to take your blog to the next level! (Or, if you’re too shy to video chat, we can totally do it over email.) My sweet friend Bella and I love coaching bloggers and authors through our Cheerleader Sessions! (Link: ). This is our first time giving away a free session and we’re SO excited!

Entering for a chance to win is super simple! Just hop on over to my blog and sign up for my free email updates (and I’ll throw in a free e-book, just to say thanks!) and you’re all set! Link:

Lots of love,

~Livy Lynn

About the Author:

Livy Lynn is a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. She enjoys crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When she’s not writing, you can usually find her playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning her next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and Golden Retriever Puppies!

Come get connected at


Isn't she just great?! I love her.
And that giveaway though! A FREE CHEERLEADER SESSIONS! 😍😍

Don't forget to enter the giveaway if this something that might interest you!

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